Some Bowhunting Tips For Beginners

Some Bowhunting Tips For Beginners

Bowhunting is a sport that has really emerged and become popular in just the last 60 years or so. Many sportsmen enjoy bowhunting because it is far more challenging than simply taking a rifle out and shooting an animal at 100 yards or more distance. Here are some bowhunting tips that may improve the experience for beginners.

Choose the bow that is right for you. Bows come in different styles. Longbows have been in use since the dawn of time. Recurve and composite recurve bows were invented in the mid twentieth century. These do not have the effective range of a longbow, but within their range, they are more accurate and more powerful. Compound bows, the latest advance in bow making, use pulleys and cams to both multiply the force exerted on the arrow when the string is released and to provide a let off of tension when the bow is drawn to its full length that aids the hunter in aiming because he can hold the bow in firing position longer if necessary.

Choose arrows that are right for your bow. Different bows have different draw lengths. It is important to choose arrows that are of a length that closely matches the draw length of the bow. Too long and the arrows will tend to drop off too soon after being fired. Too short and the archer loses some of the power of the bow by not being able to draw it to its full length.

Know the requirements for arrowheads for the type of game you are planning to hunt. Many states have specific requirements for broad heads to be used when hunting big game such as deer, elk, or bear. The fines imposed for not using the right heads on the arrows are too expensive to by justified by not knowing the rules.

Practice with your bow and arrows frequently. It is impossible to put your bow away at the end of archery season and ignore it the rest of the year and hope to be able to hit where you aim with the first shot after an extended period. Practicing during the off season assures that if you are presented with an opportunity, you will be able to make a clean kill.

Spend some time in the woods where you plan to hunt all through the year. If you only scout the areas right before the beginning of season and decide where to put a stand, you miss out on several opportunities to practice your stalking skills. These are essential to the bow hunter because the effective range of the bow is normally not over 60 yards. Optimal range is within 30 yards.

Purchase some scent neutralizers for your clothing and your body. The sense of smell possessed by almost any animal that is hunted with archery equipment is hundreds of times more acute than a human’s. They also have better hearing and many have sharper sight. This makes it very difficult to stalk an animal without him becoming aware of your presence. Deer are actually allergic to the smell of humans. This is why they snort when the scent you. They are actually sneezing.

Learn how to judge the direction the wind is coming from and always hunt across the wind or upwind. Any animal downwind of you will know you are there long before you could hope to know their whereabouts. Work hard on all your outdoors skills in order to become good at stalking.