What Does JOY Feel Like

What Does JOY Feel Like?

Many people think that illness and resistance (constant negative emotions) are normal, they are not normal.

They are abnormal!

It is normal to feel excitement for life !

It is normal to laugh out-loud many times a day!

The law of attraction will bring us more things like this to laugh about.

It is normal to feel strong and secure!

The law of attraction will bring us more things that continue these feelings.

It is normal to you to feel so much self-confidence, so sure about who we are, that when we speak with others, we’re always in a position to encourage and inspire them.

The law of attraction will bring more things that continue this.

It is normal to you to have so much energy that at the end of the day you are still looking for things to do!

It is normal to have such a passion for life that we are eager to get together with others to hear what they are doing, so that our ideas can expand.

The law of attraction will bring more of these things that bring us passion.

It is normal to glow when the sun goes down and delight when the sun comes up.

It is normal to have such a zest for life beyond our wildest imaginings.

And when this too is normal, the law of attraction brings more of this that gives us zest.

And so how do we all get back to what is normal?

The answer to this is easy and yet most of us have forgotten it.

The answer is move towards everything that makes us feel good.

Each day wake up and say what can I do today that would make me feel great!

I have been on a journey back to who I really am in the last few years. I found myself in a very low place a while ago, whereby I had completely forgotten who I really was.

Here are some of the things that I have done in the last couple of years to get me back to joy!!

Sweet sweet joy!

I have moved to the rocky mountains of canada, where I can do the many things I love, more regularly. In the winter I ski everyday and in the summer I walk or hike each day. I will go out for an hour or two each day and then come back and work on my business in the area of health and wellness that I love.

When I am in these mountains, I feel a sense of joy that is so exhilarating, I feel like I am going to come out of my skin.

I bask in the beauty of my surroundings, it is breathtaking, absolutely breathtaking. The other day I saw 45 elk all hanging out at the top of a mountain.

45 elk, I yelled to myself!

This is what brings me joy, to see wild animals in nature and to bask in the deliciousness of this beauty.

Now, another thing I have done in the last couple of years is bask in the intellectual content of the teachings of abraham and the law of attraction. These teachings have taught me how to focus my thoughts each and every moment into ones that feel good.

I have learned that when I ask for anything, it is always given but in order to receive it, I have to be in a good feeling place. And the more I am in a good feeling place, the more I receive what I have asked for.

The other day I realized I had been given something I had been asking for and I did not realize it until I was almost at the end of my project. I asked for an uninterrupted period of time to work on my creative endeavors. I had been remembering a time in my 20’s where I had worked for two months straight creating a course in holistic health that I was wanting to teach. I took such pleasure in this project. And so I wanted to repeat this experience with other work. Well for the last two months this has happened again and I only realized this gift when I was almost finished.

One morning I woke up and said, “”my goodness this is the same amount of time I had before, just as I have asked for.””

Another thing I was asking for is to be reconnected with old friends that I have lost touch with. And again just in the last while, these friends have been back in touch with the help of face book and twitter. These social media sites have an amazing capacity to make us all feel so connected.

As well, for me, joy is building my websites and sharing my knowledge of health with others. It is exhilarating to be on this planet at this time in life with all there is to offer us. Just the technology alone is unbelievable. We can communicate with anyone anywhere in just a few seconds.

I also love writing articles for online places like ezine articles because one gets help with the editing and they get read by so many people. I have just begun to publish articles on ezine about 3 months ago and already almost 5000 people have read them. To me this is amazing!

My joy is also thinking of ways to be creative. I have been creating e-books lately, by combining pictures and lovely words for people to ponder.

Life is good, when one knows how to focus thoughts in the direction of ‘what feels good”” and then always move towards that which feels good, ones life just gets better and better because we are using the principles as taught by the law of attraction.

Like attracts likethat which is likened unto itself is drawn.

In other words, if you are feeling great, great things will come to you or another way to say it is “”the emotional equivalent of the thoughts you are offering, will come to you.””

And so it no longer surprises me that I receive what I have been asking for, in fact I marvel at how the universe knocks itself out to give me what I have asked for.

My job is only to chill out, relax and enjoy life more, acting as much as is possible from inspiration.

I can handle this, can you!

Now, how about you, what do you do to feel good. There are lots more ideas just like this on my website.